Die "Core" ist verpflichtet Ihnen jedes Jahr eine E-Mail zu übersenden damit Sie Ihre Adresse, laut Whois, überprüfen können. Sollten Sie von der "Core" eine E-Mail erhalten und Ihre Adresse stimmt nicht mit der aktuellen überein so übermitteln Sie uns Ihre aktuellen Adressdaten. Wir ändern dann Ihren "Whois Eintrag" von Ihrer Domain. Der Aufbau der E-Mail sieht wie folgt aus:
Betreff: Whois Data - Domain Ihre Domain.com
Dear Herr XXXX, this e-mail is not spam. You receive this because you are the registrant of the domain map-creator.com. Background
According to the so-called Whois Data Reminder Policy <http://www.icann.org/registrars/wdrp.htm> of ICANN <http://www.icann.org> , the topmost organization of the domain administration in the Internet, the Whois data has to be presented to you as a registrant once a year to let you verify that they are complete and correct. This obligation has been assigned to the registrar, i.e. the company that has directly registered your domain at the registry. This company is not necessarily identical to the company, with which you have a contractual relation for the registration and management of your domain. In your case the domain has been registered by CORE, Internet Council of Registrars <http://www.corenic.net> . In this context we would like to stress the importance of correct and complete data (e.g. the legal status of your business). Wrong or incomplete data violates the registration terms. Because of this, the registry may delete your domain in the worst case. In addition, such data may have a negative impact on legal disputes. It may happen that you have to proof at first that you are the registrant and that you have the domain at your disposal.
The Data of Your Domain Domain Data Domain Name: Created at: 2008-08-28 Expires at: 2009-08-28 Name Servers: ns1.nethosting24.de ns2.nethosting24.de Registrant Name: Herr Title: Organization: nethosting24 GbR Address: Friedrichstr. 73 City: Duesseldorf State/Province: Country: DE Postal Code: 40217 E-Mail Address: Phone: +49.21160103983 Fax: +49.21160103984 Administrative Contact Name: Herr Title: Organization: nethosting24 GbR Address: Friedrichstr. 73 City: Duesseldorf State/Province: Country: DE Postal Code: 40217 E-Mail Address: Phone: +49.21160103983 Fax: +49.21160103984 Technical Contact Name: Herr Title: Organization: nethosting24 GbR Address: Friedrichstr. 73 City: Duesseldorf State/Province: Country: DE Postal Code: 40217 E-Mail Address: Phone: +49.21160103983 Fax: +49.21160103984 Zone Contact Name: Herr xxxQuerling Title: Organization: nethosting24 GbR Address: Friedrichstr. 73 City: Duesseldorf State/Province: Country: DE Postal Code: 40217 E-Mail Address: Phone: +49.21160103983 Fax: +49.21160103984 Correction If the data is wrong or incomplete, please contact the company that manages your domain. If the company is unable or reluctant to update your domain, please contact our member. You can identify the member by entering the domain name into our Whois server <http://www.whois.corenic.net/cgi-bin/index.cgi> . Please do not reply to this e-mail, as responses will be discarded. Instead, please visit the CORE Secretariat web site <http://secretariat.corenic.org> . CORE Internet Council of Registrars CORE Internet Council of Registrars World Trade Center II 29, route de Pré-bois, 1215 Geneva, Switzerland Phone: +41 22 929 57 44 – Fax: +41 22 929 57 45 E-Mail: secretariat@corenic.org – WWW: www.corenic.org Accredited Registrar <http://www.icann.org/registrars/accredited-list.html